
Most of us in Tyler are in a state of shock, because we are losing our beloved Bishop Strickland.  Painful as it is, this is God’s will for us.  We should accept it and even thank God for it, for even a cross is a gift  from Him.  This does not preclude expressing our grief and asking  for God’ help, hence the Rosary Procession planned for Saturday, November 18, at 10 AM.  Please unite yourself in prayer with us.

As for the silver lining in the cloud – our loss may benefit the universal Church by increasing Bishop Strickland’s outreach and influence.

Since Bishop Strickland  is not required to be  in Tyler most of the time, His Excellency will have more time and opportunity, , to speak and to write h.  During his travels His Excellency also will have opportunities to forge ties with right- thinking Prelates and influence  those with different  views.

Dear faithful Catholics outside thedIOCESE OF   Tyler diocese Please be with us in prayers in these difficult days!